Categories: Sunday Meditation Leave a comment

Add a little salt

Jesus used the image of salt to describe the transforming effect of God’s work in our lives – and how the Holy Spirit wants to work through us to bring the power and blessing of God’s kingdom to others. As salt purifies, preserves, and produces rich flavour for our daily food, we, too, as disciples of Jesus , are “salt” for the world of human society. The Lord wants to work in and through us to purify, preserve, and spread the rich flavour of God’s kingdom everywhere – his “Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). Jesus used the image of light and a lamp to further his illustration of God’s transforming work in and through us. Lamps inthe ancient world served a vital function, much like they do today. They enable people to see and work in the dark and to avoid stumbling. The Jews also understood “light” as a symbol or expression of the inner beauty, truth, and goodness of God. In his light we see light (Psalm 36:9). His word is a lamp that guides our steps (Psalm 119:105). God’s grace not only illumines the darkness in our lives, but also fills us with spiritual light, joy, and peace.

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