Categories: Church, Sunday Meditation Leave a comment

Conversion and repentance; the first step

In the ancient world when a king decided to tour his kingdom, he first sent his courier ahead to prepare the way. John is the courier and great herald of the Messiah King who proclaims to all the peoples that the impending reign of God is now very close at hand. Isaiah had long ago prophesied the role of the Forerunner of the Messiah (Isaiah 40:3-5). John undoubtedly took this word to heart as he searched the Scriptures and reflected on the word of God in the wilderness. When John began his public ministry he travelled throughout the region of Judea and preached a “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Luke 3:3). How can we, like John the Baptist, prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus Christ? John the Baptist tells us that the first step is conversion and repentance (Matthew 3:2; Luke 3:7). Conversion involves receiving God’s word into our heart and mind and allowing his Word to change our attitudes and wrong ways of thinking and judging. Repentance is the deliberate turning away from sin (wrong-doing) and turning to God to receive his pardon, healing, and strength to do what is good and reject what is wrong.

Edward Finlayson

I'm simply a computer geek who has been in that industry for a couple of decades now and loves living in Brixham since moving here a little over ten years ago. I'm helping out with this site and will do all I can to make it successful. I have lots of fun ideas but I'm sure that you do to, so let's have them please... No, seriously let us know what you would like to see and the sorts of thing you want this site to be capable of doing (making coffee excluded, I've been trying to do that for years)

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