Categories: Church, Sunday Meditation Leave a comment

Choose to do what God asks of us

The Scribes and Pharisees were upset with Jesus because he allowed his disciples to break with their ritual traditions by eating with unclean hands. They sent a delegation all the way from Jerusalem to Galilee to bring their accusation in a face-to-face confrontation with Jesus. Jesus dealt with their accusation by going to the heart of the matter – by looking at God’s intention and purpose for the commandments. Jesus explains that they void God’s command because they allow their hearts and minds to be clouded by their own notions of what is true religion. Jesus accuses them specifically of two things. First of hypocrisy. Like actors, who put on a show, they appear to obey God’s word in their external practices while they inwardly harbour evil desires and intentions. Secondly, he accuses them of abandoning God’s word by substituting their own arguments and ingenious interpretations for what God requires. They devised clever arguments based on their own thoughts rather than on God’s word. Jesus refers them to the prophecy of Isaiah (29:31) where the prophet accuses the people of his day for honouring God with their lips while their hearts were far away from choosing and doing what God asked of them.

Edward Finlayson

I'm simply a computer geek who has been in that industry for a couple of decades now and loves living in Brixham since moving here a little over ten years ago. I'm helping out with this site and will do all I can to make it successful. I have lots of fun ideas but I'm sure that you do to, so let's have them please... No, seriously let us know what you would like to see and the sorts of thing you want this site to be capable of doing (making coffee excluded, I've been trying to do that for years)

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