Categories: Appeals, Sunday Meditation Leave a comment

Will you be ready to hear his voice and follow?

Being unprepared can lead to unnecessary trouble and even disaster! What good is a life-jacket left on the shore when the boat is sinking? Jesus’ story of ten single ladies waiting for a wedding procession in the middle of the night seems strange to most westerners today. But Jesus’ audience knew all too well how easily this could happen to them. Jesus warns us that there are consequences for being unprepared. There are certain things you cannot obtain at the last moment. For example, students cannot prepare for their exams when the day of testing is already upon them. To show up for a wedding party without proper attire and travel arrangements is like trying to get into a special event today that requires a prearranged permit or reservation. You just don’ t get in without the proper pass. Can you imagine the frustration travellers might experience when going abroad and finding out that they can’ t get into some country because they don’t have the right visa or a valid passport. When the Lord Jesus comes to lead you to his heavenly banquet will you be ready to hear his voice and follow?

Edward Finlayson

I'm simply a computer geek who has been in that industry for a couple of decades now and loves living in Brixham since moving here a little over ten years ago. I'm helping out with this site and will do all I can to make it successful. I have lots of fun ideas but I'm sure that you do to, so let's have them please... No, seriously let us know what you would like to see and the sorts of thing you want this site to be capable of doing (making coffee excluded, I've been trying to do that for years)

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