Please click on the button below to learn about the Church of Our of Lady, Star of The Sea and its building in the last open space in the centre of Brixham.
Sunday: 10.00am: Private Intentions (P. Reynolds) Monday: 10.00am: NO MASS Tuesday: 10.00am: Church opened for prayers till 10.30am Wednesday: 10.00am: NO MASS Friday: 10.00am: Church opened for prayers till 10.30am Saturday: 10.00am: NO MASS Sunday: 10.00am: For the Intentions of the Celebrant
Saturdays: 10.30 - 11.00 am
Sunday: 5.00pm: For Eve Newton (D. Sheppard) Thursday: 10.00am: Church opened for prayers till 10.30am Sunday: 5.00pm: For the Intentions of the Celebrant
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